Spiritual Assignments

We all have a  H.I.N.G.E. of love.

Our H.I.N.G.E is our Higher Intuitive Nurturing Guiding Expression that always guides us towards choosing LOVE over FEAR and encourages us to turn our backs on the EGO-mind.


Whenever we face a challenge in our lives of any shape or size we are always having to choose between seeing the Love of the situation or the Fear in it. Now many of us automatically focus on the fearful side seeing the challenge as a problem, as something hard and unloving. It’s then we begin to ask the question; “Why would God do this to me?”  “Why would God allow this to happen to me?”  “Am I being Punished?”

When in fact what you should be saying is; “Great! Another spiritual assignment sent to me by God to help me grow as a person.”


So, a new near, a new you, a new mindset. Try out the following ideas when you next encounter a spiritual assignment instead of freaking out and adding fuel to the negativity fire.

  • Affirm to yourself often; “I am willing to release all my illusions of fear and Ego-Mind. I choose to replace all negative thoughts with Love.” 

  • Affirm daily; “I believe in Miracles. I expect to experience Miracles everyday.”

  • Pray ~ get on your knees to symbolically represent your release of controlling habits and say; “H.I.N.G.E of Love, Thank you for helping me choose the path of Love in all I see/do/say/feel.”

  • Ask your H.I.N.G.E of Love how you can best approach the spiritual assignment

  • Remember that you are a wonderful person who is growing spiritually and that each and ever assignment is your unique opportunity to show the world and yourself what you got.

  • And most importantly remember that You are a Miracle, Your are entitled to experiencing Miracles and Miracles are rightfully yours.

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A Course in Miracles teaches us that Miracles are natural expressions of love and that when a miracle does not occur something has gone wrong.

This means that you have been focusing on fear rather than love.

See the potential each spiritual assignment is offering you and then Expect Miracles



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